
Carbon monoxide a most unwelcome guest

The Carbon Monoxide Be Alarmed! Campaign have estimated that as many as 81% of households in the UK don't have an audible CO alarm. So quite a lot, then.And the trouble with carbon monoxide is... well, flying shark there are lots of troubling things about carbon monoxide. It has no odour, no taste, and it's invisible to the naked eye. Plus it can't be easily self-diagnosed, as there are a wide S107 helicopter range of potential symptoms associated with CO poisoning.And it can be fatal. Some victims of carbon monoxide poisoning claim that survival is even worse.Any poorly-fitted or ill-maintained fuel-burning appliances can potentially leak CO, as can unswept chimney flues.So really, it's well worth investing the 15 odd that it costs to install a European Standard CO detector with an audible alarm.Our article The Silent Killer: Confused.com Warns of the Dangers of Carbon Monoxide is a really worthwhile read. It's got some tips on how to spot if you have a CO leak, symptoms to look for, and landlord's responsibilities to be aware of - for landlords and tenants alike.Safety checklistKeep your boiler in good working order, or ensure it's kept serviced.Think about upgrading your old gas appliances. If you're a tenant in S107 helicopter a property, then your landlord should service the appliances that they provide on an annual basis.If you're planning to use old-fashioned portable heaters, get them checked by an expert before use. Keep your home well ventilated.If you have a working chimney, make sure it's swept annually by a qualified engineer or chimney sweep.You can never have too much education where safety is concerned. If you're worried about CO in your home, or you have any friends or relatives who you feel are unaware of the risk, it's worth visiting the CO Awareness website. The site is full of information and prevention tips that could prove vital.

